Download Our App

We Have an App for That!

You read that right–we’ve got an app! With all of us using our cell phones and tablets so much these days, we thought it made sense to help you stay connected to us with an App for Michigan Road Animal Hospital at Crooked Creek! We can be found in your favorite app store as MRAH Vet by the Vet App Publishing, but you can click the quick links below to go right to your device’s app store.

You might be asking yourself, why does my animal hospital have an app? What’ll it do? Well, it’s a super easy way to keep in touch with us–you can call us with a quick tap of a button, access and call one of the local emergency hospitals if you need help outside of our office hours, send us requests for your pet’s appointments, and quickly request medication refills too! We’ve also listed our office hours and important info about our hospital, and will keep you updated if our office will be closed for a meeting or severe weather, or any other changes we think our clients should know about as they happen.

Additionally, there’s a Pet Resources tab with links to all sorts of pet friendly sites we know you’ll like. You’ll find direct links to pet food recalls, access to a pet poison hotline, login to your Pet Portal, or shop in our online store–all from the convenience of our app. If there’s a link you already use frequently for your pet that you’d like to see us add to our app to make it super easy for you to connect to—please let us know!

We’ve also made it easy to follow us on social media if you’d like too as well! With the Referral Rewards link you can share our app with friends and family looking for a veterinarian for their pet, and they’ll even get directions on how to get to us. You can also take pictures of your pet and share them with your friends and us too. We’d love that!

To access our hospital app you will need to click on one of the links below. It’s completely free and it shouldn’t take up much space on your device. We hope that enjoy using it…and let us know if there are any links or features you’d like to see available!

Download by clicking on one of the links below.

download the app on google play

Download the app on the App Store